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T. Minutes - November 18, 2009, Approved
November 18, 2009

A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, November 18, 2009 at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Diozzi, Ms. Herbert, Ms. Harper, Ms. McCrea and Ms. Bellin.

19 Chestnut Street

In continuation of a previous meeting, Natalie Binney submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace 12 third floor windows with same size wood windows with 9 lites windows with low-e glass, painted white.  The windows will be Marvin wood Ultimate Casement.  Steve D. Hayes, contractor, was present.

Mr. Hayes stated that he went back to Marvin and they do make the hopper window, with the top going in.  He noted that it is more expensive, but the homeowner is willing to do it.  It opens approximately 7”.  For egress, they need one window that opens in each room.  10 of 12 windows would have the hopper,  the remaining two will swing in or out to meet egress – one on left and one on right side of house.  There will be no storms on the 3rd floor.

Ms. Harper stated that, even though it may not be that visible from the third floor, if Mr. Hayes could ask Marvin if they could make it flush, without the rabbit.

Ms. Herbert stated that if they can’t it could be palm sanded.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to replace twelve third floor windows with 9 lite Marvin wood Ultimate windows with bronze spacers, painted white to match existing.  Ten windows to be cantilevered inward at 7” from the top.  Two windows (one on each side of the house) to be inward swinging windows for egress.  If available, window surround should be flush (without rabbit).

Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

173 Federal Street

Gianna DellaMonica presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace a red, 3 tab asphalt roof with Burnt Sienna, 3 tab asphalt roof, to install flower boxes to the bottom 4 front windows an one on each side of the house and for paint colors.  The body will be Shadow, the shutters and flower boxes will be Garnet Evening and the Trim will be Pale Pearl.

Ms. DellaMonica stated that she will replace the roof with the same color.   She provided paint chips and stated that she has changed the colors from the initial application.  She is proposing that the body be the same as 141 Federal Street.  The trim will be California Paints Peach and the door and flower boxes will be California 602.

Joyce Wallace,  172 Federal Street, stated that she was in favor.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve a Certificate of Non-applicability to replace the red, 3tab roof in kind.  

Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve paint colors for the Body color to be the same as 141 Federal Street (Sherwin Williams Renwick Heather), the trim to be California Paints DEC710 Peach and the door and flower boxes to be California Paints #602.

Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the installation of six wood window boxes per photograph submitted, to be full width of window and to reuse existing brackets.

Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

9 Lynn Street

Margaret and Timothy Doggett presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for removal of a chimney, which will be boarded and shingled over.

Mr. Doggett stated that it is needed for financial reasons.  The fireplace has been bricked up for many years.  It is not on the main part of the house, but is in the ell.  It is beginning to be a hazard.  It would cost $6500 to tear down and rebuild, which would be a very expensive roof ornament.  He believed it has been parged.  He stated that the best protection for the core is to close it in.  He noted that the cost to reopen the fireplace and reline the chimney would be approximately $30,000.

Ms. Herbert suggested pointing it up, parging it, fill in the bricks and cover and sealing it with a steel plate, which may be less expensive.  

Mr. Doggett stated he got pricing and that it is $1050 to take it down and approximately twice the price to do as Ms. Herbert suggested.  He noted that sealing it might also give the next owner the impression that it is still usable.

Ms. Harper stated that he did not like to see it taken down, but understood the reasoning.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  

Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

59 Summer Street

Daniel and Michelle Finamore presented an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of a skylight with a Velux VX304.  The existing skylight is 24” x 36” interior and the new skylight will be 30” x 38” exterior.

Ms. Herbert if he had anyone look at it to rehab it.

Mr. Finamore stated that he did not, but has been up in the attic and basically all the wood is gone and the whole box would need to be rebuilt and the glass is shot.  It would require replacing the wood, stripping the metal and sealing it.  The hinged has been snapped.  He stated that it is leaking and has stained the bedroom ceiling.

Ms. Herbert suggested redoing the box and metal.  She noted that it really can be seen from the street and suggested having Window Woman or Pane in the Glass take a look at it.  She noted that the design is a Victorian skylight.

Mr. Finamore noted that it is an unfinished attic and that there is no staircase to get up there.  His goal was retain the skylight for the future to preserve the option to finish the space.  He stated that the new skylight is stained aluminum and comes in a dull brown.  It will probably have a lower profile.

Ms. Harper suggested investigating one with divided lights.

Ms. Bellin stated that one reason the existing works is because of the vertical mullion which makes is less obtrusive.  There is not a large surface of shiny glass, but it is broken up.  She stated that if it can’t be rehabbed, it should be mimicked, otherwise it will be a large rectangle of glas.  

Mr. Finamore stated that he has received a Certificate of Non-Applicability to reshingle the roof and the contractor is ready to start.  He asked if he could remove it, which could save him $800.

Ms. Guy suggested approving a repair or replace in kind, so he can talk to Window Woman and/or Pane in the Glass and then also give the option to remove.  The applicant could also research other skylight options, and the Commission could continue the application for two weeks.

Ms. Herbert stated the these raised boxed, metal divided Victorian style skylights are much more dainty than the proposed.  She suggested having it restored which would be cheaper than a new one.

Ms. Harper agreed and noted that the original is narrower than the proposed.

Ms. Guy stated that if the Commission is not comfortable with the proposed and the applicant does not have the time to wait to propose another, she recommended that the Commission approve a Certificate to repair or replace in kind and the option to remove.  We can still continue to give him the choice whether or not to call Window Woman or other company or propose another window.

Jeff Bellin, 396 Essex Street, stated that he did not feel the proposed skylight really changes it all that much.

Ms. Bellin made a motion to repair or replace in kind or for the option to remove completely and to continue the application to the next meeting to allow the applicant to provide other skylight options with a divider and closer in size.  Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Harper suggested talking to Moynihan’s or Gove Lumber.

Other Business

Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of July 15, 2009.  Ms. Herbert seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Herbert made a motion to approve the minutes of October 21, 2009.  Ms. Harper seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

There being no further business, Ms. McCrea made a motion to adjourn.   Ms. Harper seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission